Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’,Törpe gyöngyvirágcserje
A Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’,Törpe gyöngyvirágcserje 50-70 cm magas, mereven felálló ágú cserje.
Levelei 3-6 cm hosszúak, világoszöldek. 1, 5-2 cm átmérőjű hófehér virágai 4-9 cm-es felálló fürtökben május – júniusban nyílnak.
Elérhető többféle méretben és árban.
Kb. 30 cm
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The deutzias are fairly new to gardens: the exception, D. scabra, was noticed in Japanese gardens by Engelbert Kaempfer (1712) and Carl Peter Thunberg (1784) but not actually seen in Europe till the 1830s; two-thirds of the species noted in the R.H.S. Dictionary were gathered in from the wild during the 20th century.[3]
Deutzias are commonly grown as ornamental plants for their white and pink flowers. Many cultivars and hybrids have been selected for garden use, including selections with double flowers. For example, Deutzia × lemoinei is a hybrid of D. gracilis and D. parviflora. The following cultivars and hybrids have gained the Royal Horticultural Society‘s Award of Garden Merit:[4]–
The temperate deutzias are mostly hardy shrubs from far eastern regions where winters are dependably frozen; in milder climates, like much of England, the early-flowering species and hybrids are coaxed into premature bloom by mild spells, then spoilt by frost. Alice Coats[14] remarks that deutzias have done better in Edinburgh, on the chilly east coast of Scotland, than in London. A solution in milder climates might be to site deutzia in the garden’s most exposed, coldest microclimate, as is often done with early-flowering magnolias.